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While Netflix is home to some groundbreaking LGBTQ shows, it refuses to enforce its own policy in comedy. Netflix has a policy that content 'designed to incite hate or violence' is not allowed on their platform, but we all know that anti-LGBTQ content does exactly that. U=U.” (“U=U” stands for “undetectable = untransmittable.”) “Attention Ricky and Netflix: people living with HIV today, when on effective treatment, lead long and healthy lives and cannot transmit HIV to others. He also spouts anti-gay rhetoric & spreads inaccurate information about HIV,” GLAAD tweeted. “It’s full of graphic, dangerous, anti-trans rants masquerading as jokes. (At least Netflix dropped the special before Pride month.)

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On Tuesday, after Netflix premiered Gervais’ tired special SuperNature, GLAAD released a statement condemning the streaming service for giving the comedian a platform to share anti-trans and anti-gay rhetoric in the form of quote-unquote comedy. And Netflix, just say you’re okay with anti-LGBTQ content on your platform.

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You can just say you’re a transphobe, Ricky Gervais.

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