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He let Cameron go in for a good, long taste of his own bulging erection. He figured he wouldn't get in any trouble if the Officer had his boner out too! Just like Cameron figured, Officer Torro wasn't upset to see another fine cock, but was thrilled. So he snuck up on the Deputy and surprised him, just to see what would happen. But then Cameron caught hold of a wild idea. It made his own dick stiffen up a bit, so he pulled it out and tugged it, just like old Torro was doing. Officer Torro swung open his car door, pulled out his fat, hard cock and stroked under nothing but the beating sun. Cameron hid behind some grape leaves while he watched what the Deputy began doing. He didn't expect Deputy Tyler Torro to come riding up in his cruiser that day. Farmer and the Fuzz XXX Video, Old ranch hand, Cameron Foster, is used to working undisturbed under the hot, California sun most days.

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